Christopher Robin Pre Primary School Teachers

Strong Community Reputation

Renowned and highly sought after within our community

We Promote Individuality

Pupils experience an environment that promotes individual expression

Highly Capable Pupils

We create pupils that are more than capable of taking the next step

Welcome To Our School

Christopher Robin is a partially funded independent school, registered with the Department of Education, and has a commitment to offering excellent, affordable education in English at a Pre-Primary level; Grade 000, Grade 00 and Grade R.

We are a proud partner in the Three School Alliance with La Lucia Junior Primary School and Virginia Preparatory School.

Our special school was established in 1975 and leased the hall from St Luke’s Presbyterian Church in Glenashley for 10 years. The Natal Education Department donated its current land to the school and new school buildings were opened in Davallen Avenue in 1986.

Our Principal

Jean Gibson - Principal

Jean Gibson’s hands-on approach and true love for her job, role and responsibilities guides our school towards a healthy, happy, settled and capable learner. She embodies the nature of our school: family first, healthy lifestyles and individualised attention to each class, teacher and student.