About Us

Christopher Robin is a partially funded independent school, registered with the Department of Education, and has a commitment to offering excellent, affordable education in English at a Pre-Primary level. Christopher Robin is a partner in the Three School Alliance with La Lucia Junior Primary School and Virginia Preparatory School.

Our special school was established in 1975 and leased the hall from St Luke’s Presbyterian Church in Glenashley for 10 years. The Natal Education Department donated its current land to the school and new school buildings were opened in Davallen Avenue in 1986.

Currently, the majority of children attending our school are Christian however in order to encourage inclusivity, and diversity, all children are encouraged to understand and respect all religions and cultures represented at our school.

We are passionate about the little people who attend our school and are committed to making decisions based on what is deemed to be in their best interests intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. These vital pillars of education are fostered lovingly by a dedicated team of qualified and experienced teaching staff who constantly strive to extend their skills and knowledge in order to benefit our children. All staff are regularly trained in First Aid and have been cleared according to the Sexual Offenders register.

Admissions policy:

Children of any denomination, creed and demographic are accepted into our school on a strictly “first come, first served” basis with names being entered onto our Waiting List once all documentation has been received.

Preference is only given to siblings and this is provided that we have received all necessary documentation before the end of February the year prior to their admission. Parents may apply for children from birth however application to other schools is also recommended. Once a child’s name has been entered onto our Waiting List, their name remains on the list until such time as the child is too old for entry into our school – parents need not reapply each year. We begin our admission process in March of the year prior to the next year’s intake so parents are asked to await communication via email from the school. Ensuring that all contact details are kept up to date will ensure that you are kept informed.

Our full Admission Policy (as determined by the Management Committee of the school) is available for perusal at the school on request and our application forms are available on request either by emailing our secretary ([email protected]) or by collecting them in person from the secretary. All other policies are aligned with our Alliance schoolsLa Lucia Junior Primary School and Virginia Preparatory School.

Our classes:

We currently offer the following classes although the number of classes in each grade may differ from year to year depending on the number of children in our intake cohort):

  • 4 x Grade 000 classes of children who turn 4 years old between January and December of their Grade 000 year (each of these classes either has a fully qualified teacher or an Intern who is working towards her teaching qualification as part of our Internship Programme acting as their dedicated assistant teacher).
  • 3 x Grade 00 classes of children who turn 5 years old between January and December of their Grade 00 year (these four classes share a fully qualified teacher who works as their assistant teacher)
  • 3 x Grade R classes of children who turn 6 years old between January and December of their Grade R year (these four classes share a fully qualified teacher who works as their assistant teacher).

School fees:

Whilst our school benefits from the salary of one teacher being covered by the Department of Basic Education, all other running costs are funded through the collection of school fees which are determined by the Management Committee of our school each year. The collection of fees and the management of the budget is a duty performed by our Bookkeeper in consultation with the Principal, and overseen by the Management Committee. Christopher Robin is also registered as a NPO and a PBO. School fees include all stationery, a class and individual photograph, a hearing screening and a sight screening. All other financial contributions are, unless specified, voluntary.

Class sizes:

Class sizes range between 22 children per class with 25 being the maximum number in any given class. Each classroom is air-conditioned to an ambient temperature during the summer months. All teachers and assistant teachers are fully trained (or are working towards completing their qualifications) and hold a recognised Diploma or Degree in Education. On-going professional development is encouraged and offered.

Parent Involvement:

Parental involvement is encouraged, with parents being encouraged to get involved in our Mothers’ Committee; offering help in the form of various duties, or assisting at functions. By agreeing to participate in the management of the school by being elected as a parent representative on our Management Committee (similar to a School Governing Body – SGB) are further opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of our school.


Only Grade R children are required to wear our Christopher Robin uniform which consists of a Christopher Robin t-shirt and shorts (boys) or skorts (girls). The tracksuit is part of the uniform for all three schools so may continue to be worn at La Lucia Junior Primary and Virginia Preparatory.
In the winter months, Christopher Robin children may wear their tracksuits or any other long pants or jerseys as long as they are navy blue and without any patterns.

Children receive a regulation school bag, cooler bag and hat at our Orientation Day as part of our registration package. Uniform items can be purchased at the Uniform Shop situated at Virginia Preparatory School, alternatively, GEMS in Overport, may be contacted.

Grade 000 and 00 children wear civvies – after all, they are little children who have years of uniform-wearing to come!

School times:

Our school doors open to welcome children at 07h30 each day however in order to assist working parents, we offer (at a nominal fee) an Early Birds facility between 07h00 and 07h20 each morning.

  • Junior children (Grades 000 and 00) end their day at 12h15
  • Senior children (Grade R) finish their day at 12h30.

Safety and security are of utmost importance at all times. All staff are on duty from 07h20 each morning until 14h00 each afternoon. Aftercare staff work from 12 noon until 17h00.


Christopher Robin offers an Aftercare facility from 12h15 until 17h00 daily, supervised by 3 or 4 additional staff who are experienced and trained in the management, as well as the health and safety protocols of our Aftercare facility. The fee for Aftercare includes a meal and a snack provided by caterers.

COVID-19 Disclaimer:

Times, offerings and school operations are in constant flux due to the pandemic and all information provided above may not be accurate at the time of reading due to our responsible adherence and approach to the safety of our children, staff and school families.


Our PAIA Policy is available here.


For more information on COVID-19 and government regulation: Click here